Optimize teaching and training outcomes.

I build teaching and learning experiences tailored to your company’s individual challenges- fortifying your company’s unique strengths and strategies.

Rapidly advancing changes in the economic landscape and the increasing specialization and originality of corporate needs require fewer industry-wide learning platforms and more learning experiences tied to the specific characteristics of unique organizations.

Client spotlight

Presently working with Flagger Force to..

  • optimize learning outcomes for employees at multiple levels through analysis of learning data and engagement, scope and sequence, and instructional media.

  • integrate research-based teaching and learning strategies into mobile, blended, and face to face instruction.

  • synthesize objectives from different departments into original and unique company-wide curricular strategies.

  • develop onboarding and acquired employee instructional plans based on a company-wide curriculum.

Scope and Sequence

Development of versatile curriculum frameworks and proposed structural changes to enhance immediate and future training effectiveness, based on clear objectives and outcomes. 

Collaboration with teams reassessing existing curricula and instruction, creating new curricula and instruction, or combinations of both.


Observation and assessment of trainers and other educators, translation of training content into effective instructional strategies, and design of detailed media to integrate with instructional methods.

Spectrum of Work

Collaboration with organizations to tune and upgrade their in-person, remote, and mobile education and training curricula and delivery.

Development and teaching of online courses that encourage the use of electronic media, critical thinking skills, creativity, data collection and analysis, and the integration of digital history and digital humanities skills.

Creation of device-based virtual reality courses to facilitate the integration of VR in education.

Research, construction, and deployment of tools and resources that effectively communicate historical and educational narrative, data, and interpretation.

Integration of mobile augmented reality applications (marker and location based) into visitor experiences at historic sites.

Skills and Expertise

Research, gathering and organizing curricular resources while also examining current learning platforms (face to face, online, and mobile) to assess their strengths and weaknesses. 

Comprehensive meetings with staff across various departments to evaluate the overarching goals for education and training.

Get in touch.

At any stage in your thinking, development, or deployment of your curricula and/or instruction, I can help. I am available remotely for all locations, or in person in the Central Pennsylvania area.